Sunday, December 30, 2012

Lietuviškas įrašiuks- išverčiau karoliukintojo priesakus naujiems metams.

Išversiu kelis  karoliukintojo ([i]beader's[/i]) priesakus naujiems metams:

1.Pasižadu susitvarkyti savo resursus (parašyta studio- manau reta kuri galim pasigirti atskiru kambariu skirtu vien šiam hobiui), kad surasčiau prireikus, ir laiku, prieš prisipirkdama dar ko jau turiu.
2. Pasižadu užbaigti visus nepabaigtus projėktėlius ir papuošalus. Tikiuosi išpildyti tą pažadą po pirmo užsukimo į karoliukų ar reikmenų  parduotuvę.
3. Pasižadu sunaudoti nors mažą dalį tų šimtų ir tūkstančių karoliukų, detalių ar priemonių prieš prisipirkdama naujų (mažai šansų).
4. Vadovausiuosi patarle "šimtą kart pamatuok tada kirpk" prieš kirpdama savo siūlus, arba imdamasi kokio projekto- tai reiškia gerai viską apgalvosiu ir suplanuosiu.
5. Pasižadu tris kartus patikrinti savo darbą prieš , kad po to nereikėtų viso jo perdaryti/perverti.
6. Pasižadu daugiau išsimiegoti, nepaisant to kad radau kur klaidą kurią būtinai turiu ištaisyti.
7. Būsiu geresnė savo kompiuteriui ir fotoaparatui, nors ir neišeina nuotraukos, ar yra per tamsu.
8. Būtinai išmoskiu kokių naujų technikų šiais metais, pagilinsiu papuošalų darymo žinias; nukeliausiu į kursus, kad susitikčiau su kolegomis ([i]fellow beaders[/i]), kad įgaučiau patirties ir naujų žinių.
9. Sudalyvausiu labdaroje, skirsiu savo papuošalus labdarai.
10. Kai neturėsiu įkvėpimo, ar nesiseks, išgersiu puodelį arbatos ir džiaugsiuosi paguoda ir nusiraminimu, kuriuos man teikia šis užsiėmimas. :)

Paimta iš šio puslapio-

(Taken from this page)

Su naujais metais ;)

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Christmas diy Swap

Before wishing everyone happy holidays, I just want to metion one swap where I have gladly taken part at. It was in the handicraft forum Auksarankes auksarankes. I entered into 25 litas challenge (it is about 10 dollar challenge) that meant I had to make a gift in the swap worth not less than 10 dollars of materials. So I got my gift reciever Rebeke here is her FB page she asked for something felted, and allowed bead embroidery so that is what I made for her:

Cosy felted slippers which I have already shown
 A bead embroidery bracelet with textile flowers

And a bead embroidery necklace set:

To sum up, it is hard to make a present for someone so experienced and whom you don't know, yet it is a challenge, and a way for the creative juoices to flow out ;) I am still waiting for my Christmas gift to arrive by post. ;)

Happy holidays !
Photo by evelina liut (from FB)

Friday, November 30, 2012

My Felted slippers- a tutorial

I have been trying my hand at felting slippers, I have looked at some pictures, and tried to do it- it is quite hard, especially to make them the same size. However, I will eventually somehow (maybe) master- have a lot of felt in my stash- I need to use it. I am thinking about a sauna cap as well.That could be a good practice and to decorate it in a crazy way.

My orange and pink delights ;)                                

And the other pair is felted star flowers (my son told me to name like that)

I could show a little tutorial, how personally I do it:

You need ;)
  • a covered space, water-proof one
  • some felt
  • a foot pattern/template (bigger than your real size by about 40-50 per cent)
  • water spray (hot water)
  • soap
  • a bubble thing for better felting
The process:
 Take all the things (I put them on the bathroom floor).

Take the template and place it on the mat

Place the felt on top, thinly, four layers (more can be added for extra durabiity), vertically and horisontaly on top of each other.
Put all the layers, oh what a heap it is, and gently pat.
 Put the coloured side (optional) 

Wet everything with a spray and pat pat gently.
Fold the corners, repeat the same procedure for the other side. Fold the corners.

It is something like this

And felt felt felt and massage very well. Wet in very hot water, then cut a little hole, and turn inside out- this is for better looks, and felt more. Here is the initial piece :) That is what you get, place when finished soemwhere to dry.

For those cod days
Or snowy days

Have a nice felting.
 PS The most interesting part is decorating with beads :)

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A necklace- A secret

Glad to be back with another post, it is nothing special just to show my most recent creation "The Secret".

The rope is in Russian Spiral- inspired by this post IB, the rope's tutorial is here Russian spiral  very lovely and easy to make, very soft and draping.

The stone is so mosaicy - very colourful and I used some bead embroidery to complement its colours.

Happy beading and trying some new techniques (which I am sure you do) ;)


Monday, October 29, 2012

Black and gold

Is till black and gold in fashion? If it is not- black for sure is, shiny things and baroque items- YES! We can take a look at Paris fashion week.

Black and gold combination is a very luxurious one, "hit and not miss one"- So I tried once again to try this colour combo. My previouswork is here too ;)

So the latest a cuff and earings I have called just "Black and gold". Nothing very fancy. For the first time I have tried to use sequins, I have taken them off my older t-shirt.

 How to style the black and gold- just use your old trusty little black dress :)

Happy sequiny beading.

Ps Can sequins inspire you?

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Some work update

My work update needs to be done here

I am today working on RUSSIAN SPIRAL here is the tutorial inspired here I like it so far will use in my future bead embroidery project.

I need to create a present for a Christmas swap- looking forward to that :).

And some recent work-
Here is my plan :)
I sewed a really simple dog mat- actually two for a dog shelter and for my friend's dog :)

Some hair acessories for my daughter

Some gifts - mostly earings-

And my lovliest piece

A Bird- bead embroidery brooch- pendant, and chain- very simple one
"My precious"
It is convertable

Happy wingy beading


Thursday, August 30, 2012

A necklace Sun and Moon

I have done it for the August challenge, as it is not easy I haven't  sent the pictures. I have done beaded rings, of three colours of blue beads. The colour scheme is copper and blue :)
Sun and Moon

Pincushion "Bright Life

As I have finished my pincushion before my holiday a week ago, I need to post it a bit later. Here is a picture me with  a goat in  Germany safari park.

As for pincushion, I have taken an inspiration from here I have said it is my favourite spot :D ; and admired so many creative and wonderful pincushions.

So inspired by the material itself I have made a pincushion:  I filled a mouthwash botlle lid, with 3 beach pebbles plus kids' plasteline, so the basis became heavy and sturdy. Then, I cut the filtz according to this lid, embroidered, then glued and stiched two sides together, then sewed the cap filled with soft stuff. That is it. Easy, decorated with a herringbone flower.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

For colour lovers

Hi ;)

I have stumbled upon an amazing post by Inspirational beading it is just awsome, how one can inspire others to use colour, to look at it in a fun way. Thanks to this wonderful beader and writer :) I always look forward to her posts :)

So there are featured two wonderful features polivore a good opportunity to practice mixing and window shopping for free for everyone. However I liked the Lima beads with  Create and learn studio and especially FreshPicks are fun- I enjoyed some of them, haven't time to create my pick yet- as there are myriads of awsomness to look at. For example:

Smokin Titanium

So just let's get on with our beading and colour fun

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Bead table Wednesday- without a table :)


I have joined an interesting group in Flikr it is A BEad table Wednesday- whoever started it it is a great idea to look around the current trends, what is fresh and cooking boiling on the beaders' desks and tables.

I have now three projects bigger and smaller brewing- one is a forever one _bead embroidery painting (I will use G.Klimt's Kiss as a huge inspiration, but I do not have or possess a partten (like theere is for cross stiching) I will be using up close version  - . So far I haven't got what much to show as I am not working on it constantly mmm (pity).

And another small one it is a pincushion. So am upcycling here using what I have to make a little tiny pincusion for myself. I was very inspired by this post at Inspirational beading. It is awsome how many ideas people have... I am bead embroidering (of course) the sides of a mouthwash cap filled with stones for heviness and sturdiness.
bead embroidering sides

mouthwas cap and stuffed vintage material

Have  a nice beading and show your table ( I haen't showed mine will do it in the near future).